As a producer, sometimes you need a sounding board or short-term consultant on a project where the process may not be about script feedback, but a wide range of great creative problems. Over the years I’ve offered various support and consultancy to producers and strategists. In addition to consulting on drama screenplays, I’ve worked as a creative producer in factual television, consulted on documentary treatments and worked as a research assistant and archivist in documentary.

I’ve worked with:

  • Documentary producers requiring feedback an editing on their treatment

  • Producers needing feedback, input or editing on a CNZ, NZFC, or NZ on Air funding applications

  • Agency creatives who need an outside perspective on draft options on a script or additional copywriting

  • Strategists requiring editing on a draft report

  • Time-pressured EPs needing a nerd to do some research.

You might see yourself and what you require in some of this work. I’m always interested to discuss what you need and how I may help. Get in touch!